School News

Primary Inter-house Swimming Gala

For this year’s Primary Swimming Gala we took the opportunity to be creative and divided the event into two parts.

Grade 1-3 enjoyed a FUNTASTIC deep sea adventure. The children participated in themed ability groups, thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to be Sharks, Turtles, Dolphins or Jellyfish. From diving through hoops to noodle races across the pool, each child swam with enthusiasm and joy!

The following day our Grades 4-7 classes were involved in a more competitive swimming gala, striving to achieve personal bests and set new school records.This year we witnessed 9 records broken, celebrating great progress in the children’s skills and abilities.

At the end of the day, the scores were compiled and Kudu House were victorious in 1st place while Impala secured 2nd place and Sable House third.

Our thanks to the Primary staff for a well-managed event and congratulations to all the children who participated so well!

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