School News

Chengelo School

Mount Sansha Expedition!

Chengelo School loves adventure! Some of our students went on an exciting trip to Mount Sansha. Read about their expedition with Ndubaluba Outdoor Centre below!

‘Our tale begins with cloud cover and a cold wind. Chengelo ‘expeditioners’ tramped to the Mulangosi River, our makeshift camp looking on to the vast dome of Mt Sancha. After a night of campfire stories and hot stew, the group awoke ready to conquer the slopes of the mountain we call ‘Rum Doodle’. And conquer it we did!

The summit cairn grew by 24 stones and our happy unit enjoyed the afternoon playing a version of lawn bowls. As the sun set, the mountain top provided the perfect place for time alone with God. 

On our final day, the descent became immediately more challenging when one of our group injured an ankle. The team demonstrated their exceptional character and willingness to serve by carrying her over 10km to complete the expedition. Congratulations to all involved. Praise God for his presence and protection!’


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