School News

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!

Using funds raised from the sales of our cookbook, “Cookery Bookery“, we were able to set up a great little gym at the sixth form girls’ hostel. The girls are enjoying using this space in their free time and have developed some fun and intense workouts! It has been brilliant to see them exercising and having fun out there and making the most of this new facility.

Being fit and flexible and being active on a regular basis has many benefits, beyond the obvious physical results; it has an impact on how we feel and how well we function mentally and emotionally. Exercise is famous for energising and refreshing as well as for helping to reduce stress levels and I am sure that all their time spent in the gym will help them in their academic studies as well as in their interactions with others, as they develop relationships through the time they spend together there.

Big thanks go to Mrs Hammond for using her creative skills to help make it look so beautiful.

Text by Sarah North
Pictures by Morgan Gabriels

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