Covid-19 Update & Statement
Statement ID: CS-CVD19-17022021-1
17th February 2021
Chengelo School, alongside all other schools in Zambia, opened on Monday 1st February 2021 as per the Government directive. In preparation for the students’ return, staff were screened and tested. Subsequently, on arrival, all students were screened for Covid-19 symptoms.
Since opening, the School has been operating under strict Ministry of Health Covid-19 guidelines. We have been monitoring our students by taking their temperatures on a daily basis. We are also frequently engaging them on how they can play their part in keeping our community safe by masking up, social distancing and washing their hands regularly. Learning spaces and hostels are sanitized thoroughly each day. We have also restructured all our programmes and activities to ensure the school complies with MOH guidelines. We are using our pastoral care programmes to support the students through these challenging and changing times.
Students who have presented with flu-like symptoms have been referred to the clinic for screening and a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) if needed. Those who have tested positive for Covid-19 have returned home to isolate and recover. These students continue to be supported by the School and are receiving work through catchup classes via Google Classroom. Following a positive test result our policy is to carry out ‘contact tracing’ followed up with an RDT on those who have had close contact with the positive cases. As required, we are informing and working closely with the local MOH offices. For international students, we have established a facility within school in which they can isolate and be monitored.
Most recently, on the afternoon of Tuesday 16th February, we had a very positive visit from the MOH Provincial surveillance team. They commended the School for how we are adhering to protocols, engaging the students to take responsibility as well as the initiatives we have shown in handling cases. The team supported our approach of sending students home who have tested positive for Covid-19 in the absence of a large isolation facility on site. They also confirmed that our situation is far from unique in the Province as the virus is widespread in the community.
Under the current guidelines we will remain open unless otherwise directed by the Ministry of Health.
Thank you for your support.
Paul Vines
Chengelo School