ISAZ Primary Gala at Simba
Our swimmers represented Chengelo with pride, style, technique and excellent sportsmanship. There was unity and encouragement, there was joy and excitement!
This ISAZ Primary Swimming Gala was hosted by Simba International School and they proved to be our strongest competition of the day. Races were often neck and neck and we watched some rather close and brilliant finishes which made it an extremely exciting gala.
Chengelo competed in every race, with children as young as 6 years old, all the way up to our oldest swimmers who were 13 years old. We achieved 16 firsts and 24 seconds which placed us second overall with 345 points – only 13 points behind Simba. Special congratulations to our two record breaking swimmers, Ntandiwe Musonda and Kaluzi Sichone.
What a super way to end the school swimming season.
Well done Chengelo Primary Swimming Team!
Story by Bridget Saint