School News


Mt. Mumpu Challenge!

Our Form 3 classes recently took a 4 hour trip to Changwena camp in order to begin their Mt Mumpu challenge week. Here is an excerpt from Form 3I’s Chimwemwe Malokota and Caleb Sakala’s account:

We took a ‘river walk’ which stretched over a kilometer. Each time we stopped, we played games such as hide and seek and volleyball. That night we were separated into groups of our own gender to sleep in the bush with only mosquito nets and no tents! This experience provided an opportunity to trust God in such situations whilst star gazing through our ‘mosquito net tents’!


The next day, we endured the Mopani flies as we walked 8km to the base of the great Mt. Mumpu. That night, we were told the tales and traditional stories that surrounded the mountain and scary they were!

The climb started at 6:30am and we were certainly in high spirits. As we ascended the mount, our energy levels drastically began to dwindle when we realised that the summit before us was indeed mighty! Further, many of us were afraid of heights but thankfully those that were ‘brave’ were there to help the ‘weak’. We finally emerged through the infamous bat cave and reached the summit of the mountain! We sang songs led by Tabitha, Misozi, Bibusa and Xante in pure admiration of God’s creation. This gave us a sense of accomplishment!

It was definitely a good camp as we bonded so well and looked up to each other for support and strength. We now pass on the mantle to the F2’s to take next year!

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