School News

Sixth Form Centre Refurbished!

Over the Easter Holiday, our Sixth Form Centre received a creative refresh with the kitchen and common room (now re-named the café and lounge) almost unrecognisable.

Mr. and Mrs. Hammond project-managed the refurbishment with the assistance of Mr Falcone, to give this old building a fresh new “industrially-themed” look. Here’s what a few Sixth Form students said:

“The centre is a completely different space. I feel like I’m in a mini-café when I sit in the industrial themed kitchen, and as if I never left the comfort of my own bed when I’m in the lounge. It has now become a place where I spend most of my time cooking, working, playing and resting. Just being in the center everyday makes me certain that this is a place where many memories – of goofing around and serious revision – are sure to happen.”
– Tabo Inambao, Lower Sixth Student 

“The new Sixth Form center has been a pleasant surprise and a well received improvement to the Sixth Form. Whether I need to study, read a book or just drink coffee and chat with my friends, the center is now the perfect environment for light hearted conversation as well as focused study time.”
– Ruvimbo Saungweme, Upper Sixth Student

“It’s like stepping into a new world, a world that’s calming. It’s a perfect environment for studying because it feels just like home. One of the most prominent features is the industrial design layout, which adds a stylish flair to top it all off.”

– Gawen Powell, Lower Sixth Student

I’d like to thank all those staff who worked hard to help re-design this important area, which the Sixth Form use every day. I’m so happy to see students using the space more already and look forward to many future social events, starting with this weekend’s Upper Sixth Dinner!

Jon Hammond – Head of Sixth Form


  1. Thandiwe zitha

    This place is just perfect!

  2. Limbani Kaunde

    This is very beautiful…perfect space for our sixth form…well done!

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