School News

Chengelo School

Primary Public Speaking Event

To end the first half of term, the Primary School put on our annual Public Speaking Event. It was the culmination of a great deal of hard work on the part of the children and their teachers. The reward for all, but particularly parents and visitors was a confident display of Public Speaking from Grade 1 through to Grade 7.

The focus this year was on Chengelo’s Core values. Grade 1 took on Perseverance through ‘The Miller and the Donkey’, Grade 2 and 3 focusing on Creativity in ‘What is Creativity?’ Grade 4 looked at ‘A Servants Heart’ and explored Servant Heartedness.

Faith was the theme for Grade 5 in their performance of ‘Unshakable’ and Integrity for Grade 6 in ‘The Man in the Mirror’. To conclude the event grade 7’s explored Responsibility through ‘The Ponderings of Mr Duck’. Interspersed through the performance, the children sang ‘If You Can Walk’, ‘H.O.N.E.S.T.Y.’ and ‘Faith like a Mustard Seed’ in their usual hearty and cheerful way – led of course by Miss Kafwimbi.

The whole event reflected a considerable amount of focus and dedication from the children. As rehearsals progressed, confidences grew. It isn’t easy standing up in front of a crowd of people and talking, especially when some of them are your peers and friends.

A very BIG thank you to all the teachers for their hard work and to the children who performed so well on the day.

Tim Foster
Deputy Head – Pastoral

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